Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Osama Dead. Damn

Well, he's down, folks. That's right tthe big bad boogeyman of the middle east is a dead as a doornail and not coming back. Wow, did that take a while. I can still remember sitting in school, then being ushered out, being herded onto buses by somewhat frantic teachers. I hadnt had the foggiesy what it was about. Then i saw the television, when i'd got home. i wasnt scared. I wasnt angry. Just straight out confused. I mean, why would someone do that. Tell people to crash planes and kill themselves. It didnt make any sense to me. At all. And i was angry, once i was old enough to understand... but still, that was only out of same vauge sense of "WTF was that for?"
And now... Well quite frankly, him being dead might be a trememnedous mixed bag. Because on the one hand, we have this newfound sense of "&*%$ YEAH, WE GOT YOU MUDDA FUGGA" and doubtless, this will have an effect on our economy. Not to mention the overall morale of our contry has probably received a great boost, and the fact that obama got him... as someone who'se been raised in a disillusioned-republican-turned-democrat's household, that's icing on this funeral cake.
But the thing is.. it feels wierd. Celebrating the fact that we killed a guy. I mean really.. isnt someone mourning? ... nevermind the mourners will make themselves known. probably violently. And the thing is, osama would never view himself as evil. No man ever does.... of course he showed no remorse about these deaths. not that i've heard of... hope he cried himself to sleep at night. if  he didnt. maybe he deserved what he got. I dunno. I mean you might say he had a family... but even they disowned the guy.
He was, in his actions, a truly horrible person, and he wronged many many people. But you still cant really find in yourself to call it worthy of all the celebration it's receiving. It does seem truly quite disproportionate, the amount of celebration he's getting.. but it is symbolic, and people respond well to symbolism. Maybe it does symbolize the end of an era for terrorism.. we have to hope that is so, cause otherwise, things might be getting kind of messy rather soon. Dont undersestimate bigots with guns, and a grudge. and excess C4. they're not going to be sitting on their laurels. But they're going to have to work damn hard to top 9-11. And american morale. He's been a bogeyman for so long that a lot a people may of forgotten he was human..... well we shall see how this goes, no? anyways, i'm sick as a zombie, so bug off. =n=;; *dies*

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Poems. Take em or leave em.

A blazing heart
burning so quietly
this can change everything.
Blazing are the hearts
burning so quietly
these change everything.

Have you heard of the fiend king?
He once gave a maiden a ring.
then in the night,
he came like a blight
and now she is queen to his king!
SD:-edit to the last line-: Now shall the fiend queen sing!
Free Verse:

Kinda confusing, this whole "life" shtick.
Running around like doctors from Daleks....
Brians on a caffine over-drive
While we look for the question to 42
all these folks go stormtrooping around....
Hakuna Matata Dudes.
Take a chill, settle down, at the cantina.
I mean frak, grab a butterbeer.
You can haz cheezeburger.

Kinda confusing, this whole "life" shtick.
Running around like doctors from Daleks....
Brians on a caffine over-drive
While we look for the question to 42
all these folks go stormtrooping around....
Hakuna Matata Dudes.
Take a chill, settle down, at the cantina.
I mean frak, grab a butterbeer.
You can haz cheezeburger.
Life's not just a big ol cannonball run
it's about the lulz, too, you gotta "hahahaha!"
or muahahahaha! if you so prefer.
Find your nakama. find your fortress of solitude
Let the good vibes roll dood.

Petrarchan Sonnet:
When did all go black?
Did threads of hope fray
Did fear and worry murk our way.
When did the mirror crack?

All the paths seem black
the walls broke and demons bray
and with the devil our leaders lay
and friends stab our back.

But no, the stars yet shine.
There is yet a light
in a world sick with blight.
But not in the aerial brine.
No, it comes from the heart.
from those whose hearts shall never part.

When were dreams  turned withered and black?
When was our hope cast in the fire to burn?
When did storm of misery begin to churn?
When in the mirror, did our resolve crack?

For all the paths seem to murk and crack
While the cogs of the devil still turn,
And the deadly fiends spit on courage’s urn
And all our heroes lay with knives in back.

But no, there is one star that yet shines.
One that forever, will burn and fight,
That in the hearts of man shall make light.
And lead all those through darkest times
It is the ties between the hear, yours, mine.
For ours are those whose hearts never shall part.



So what the hell is up with this thing called love?
Our hearts all looped up and smacked about
Untill we wonder what it's for.
Love, I mean.
Maybe we'd be lessed stressed with out it
All things considered though....
There's a good reason for it.
Earth'd be a lot less beautifull for it.
Simple and True.

So what the hell is thing thing called love?
Our hearts all blugeoned and beaten.
Until we wonder what it's for
Love, I mean.
Maybe be less stressed without it.
All things considered....
There's a reason.
Earth'd be hell without it.
Simple Truth

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

An Intentional Detour.

It seemed like a normal friday. Mostly. Spring was coming, snow was melting. Not out of the ordinary. The There were more cars in the parking lot of the sheraton than normal. That was a bit out of the ordinary. Then the man in a full suit of plate metal armor walked out of the dairy queen, just as he passed it.. That was just plain WEIRD. Of course, weird, in this case, was EXTREMELY relative. because, at the moment, the Edina Sheraton had pretty much become a weird-ness singularity. It was Anime Detour. Not the biggest con, sure, but one of the craziest, attracting people from all across the midwest. Including him, a small, slightly plump, zombie, dressed in a gray hoodie and sweatpants, ductaped around the wrists and ankles. A Hunter, from left 4 dead. Also known as Carl. As he lumbered into the door, a stromtrooper asked for his card, waving him through after munching on poptart. He entered into the air, thick with the smell of people... and found insanity. Glorious insanity... characters from everything, anime, movies, books, everything, packed into one space. Pretty dammned. Cool. Only one problem.

Friday, March 11, 2011

The copy room

Sometimes you find little nuggets of gold, when you're not even looking for them. Take for instance, the "new" copy room! a huge, concrete  room, with whitewashed walls, and a friendly "welcome!" sign, on the front door. Inside, it was like a office supplier's wet dreams. Stacks and stacks of paper, just waiting within their packages for someone to come along and take them to their new homes in printers all across the school, and the sound of whirring machinery ricocheted merrily off the cold walls. Unfortunately for us, we were shooed from this little wonderland by a somewhat grumpy female troll. =n=

Music YO.

Just rock it out.

Lets's  dance to joy division by the wombats.

Let's dance to joy division,
And celebrate the irony,
Everything is going wrong,
But we're so happy,
Let's dance to joy division,
And raise our glass to the ceiling,
'Cos this could all go so wrong,
But we're so happy,
Yeah we're so happy.

Association #1: I've found many times in my life where frankly... the world seems to be going to hell in a handbasket. Where life seems to be just one bigass pain, and is frankly, too much of a bother to really deal with. You know the times. The ones where your limbs feel like lead porkchops stuck to your arms. I know that I, for one, have dealt with this sort of thing far FAR too many times. Indeed to the point where you want to throw in the towel. This song, for me reminds me that Oh, yeah, there's a metric TON of other people out there who feel the same way, and you know what? That's the way the world is. So i might as well buckle down and try to enjoy it right? My uncle was the one that played it for me. He's always been somewhat of a role-model for me, sometimes even more so than my own father...but he told me that "Life is gonna kick you in the face a lot more than you'd like. Might as well grin while it's happening." It's a good philosiphy, i've found. Especially for when times seem to royally suck.

Association #2: Two despite my sometimes hatefull dislike of my dasd, this song reminds me of some of the funner road trips i've had with him, as this was the mix-tape we would play on the way to so many places. I can still remember rocking out on an old desolate montana road.... it was like peice of rock Nirvana, come to heaven and rested in our car.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Character Post #3.

Emmet's hands shook as he pulled the oddly shiny thing from his pack. What was it? A fighter? A jetplane? Spaceship? "This is something very important to me because you know, I used to play with it all the time" Said Emmet, Holding up the thing, as his hands began to fiddle with it, flipping a peice here, twisting there. "it's A megazord" He said, taking a minute. A couple of deft movements later, he held what one could easily recognize as one of the popular giant robots that populated the children's show. "I got from my parents. Mostly by begging" he said. "I begged and begged and begged untill they got it for me." His hands were back at it, as he focused on the small model robot, flipping it from one shape to another, untill yet another form appeared from it's depths. "I feel like it's kind of a shame I didnt play with it for so long." He said.

Character Sketch Post #2. Bonet.

Bonet stood up before the class, holding her two masks. The surgical types, of the odd  robin's egg blue, and cloth across the mouth, a type I'd only ever seen in manga or reports about bird Flu. "These are two surgical masks." Said Bonet. Her eyes were somewhat downward cast. "See um... when I was little I had a really weak immune system. And sometime's I faked it. For attention from my parents." She rubbed the mask a bit, her eyes cast downward. "Eventually parents figured it out and said, "Oh you're faking it" whenever I got sick" She rocked back a little bit, tottering between sitting on the desk and not. "Then last year... I got tuberculosis" I had to blink at that. Tuberculosis. Wasnt that disease that made you cough blood? ...then again there coulda been a lot of those. "When I came to school, they said that I shouldnt tell anyone. I had to fake it. Say i wasnt that sick. While i wore the mask. People thought I was lying, and a lot of people hated me for it." She said, straight faced... "I couldnt breath in this one" She held up the tortiseshell. "There was a lot of lining in this one. Polymer or something. Maybe that's why?" She shrugged. "This one" She switched shell for strip of cloth. "I could breath in" I was kind of stunned. Wow. That must've sucked. She continued. "My dad and my siblings and I grew closer.We'd drifted apart a bit. after my mom died.... but now..." she smiled, as if she hadnt just told us her mom was dead. "They knew I wasnt lying this time. That was nice." She outright grinned. "I was lucky too. I got the worst kind of tuberculosis. Like the black plauge era, kind. If i handnt gone earlier... The doctors told me I would've died at 25." I could only sit there stunned. Holy crap. She had dealt with more emotional trauma than I'd ever dealt with. And she'd told it, all the while with a smile across her face. She was a tougher girl than I had ever given her credit for. Bonet, if you're reading this, Props to you, girl. Goddamn Props.

Character Sketch Post #1 Myself.

Who better to describe you than yourself, right?

The moment I stepped up there, my voice faltered, and I found the speech I had prepared in my head suddenly infested with "uhhhms" and stutters. Annoying things. I could look at anyone. My eyes refused to go away from the small, cardboard box in my pocket. "It's k-kinda personal." I told them. "See, a-about a year ago... I w-was dating this girl" I grimaced. That could have ended better. "It was more a relationship of convienience than anything..." I felt my cheeks flush, going a brighter red than even their usual luminous red glow."We split up... the relation s-ship went umm.... stale." That was the only way I had to put it. "We couldnt talk about anything... so it just sorta... ended... and  then one d-" I gulped, my thumb rubbing a hole out of that small box.  I feel my cheeks turn it up to eleven. Goddamnit, can't I do anything without my bloody cheeks brodcasting it like bloody radar dishes. "day- there's this girl I t-talk to. A lot.-" it comes out of my mouth in tumbling rush. "-On everything. So one day she asks me... do I like her? like do i LIKE like her." ... screw eleven, the cheeks manage 12. "... and uhm... i said....well I said yes. I realized I really did...love her. " Lucky number thirteeen was my cheek's final stop. . "... so I got her these... earrings. and a couple other things... and uhm... i'm sending em to her... this weekend.......I like her. A lot. and uhm.. that's my show and tell." I moved to sit down.. only to find myself being... applauded? They were applauding me! I hid my head inside my hat, hoping to contain the radiation my cheeks must've been throwing off. I couldnt have deserved applause for that awkward, pause filled mess of a speech... could I?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Accidental Lessons

1. Be cautious about what you eat, and how to speak with your patron saint.
2. Sometimes things just arent meant to be.
3. When you feel like crap, best to stay close to home.
4. . Always keep your valuables on you
5. Always be prepared, even if you dont know for what. And keep a healthy ammo surplus
6. Just because you CAN do it, doesnt mean you should.
7. Keep your mind on what you're doing. Also, rain sucks.
8. Always be kind to strangers. it pays off.
9. Reading pays off, even if it's fiction.
10. You'll get results if you work hard enough.

A. Went to bathroom for five minutes. Came back, Cellphone and DS were both gone
B. Playing Fallout three, went searching around a church. Ended up ground meat due to supermutant infestation.
C. Tried jump off a swing and acheive flight. Ended up with 4 stitches in the chin.
D. Dated a girl for a couple months, found out tastes conflicted, stopped dating.
E. The innumerable times where i've been saved on a test by my nerdly knowledge.
F. Didnt finish a summer project, by shoring it up with dirt. Next day, there was a sand pile in the street.
G. Got appendicitis, endured horrible pain for 3 days.
H. Ate the brownies at the back of the fridge.
I. Held a door for a man. Got Ten Bucks.
J. Became leader of anime club.

Monday, February 14, 2011

A Gem Of An Idea: First Draft.

The moment I saw the bag, I knew something was up. Aunt Tonya (techinically my grandma’s aunt), tall, round and almost owl eyed with her full moon glasses, would always bring me things from her trips with uncle alan.
But this time, it was a huge, burlap sack. I poked the thing, feeling something shift under my fingers. Sand? Why’d she brought me a bag of sand? “It’s from a sapphire mine, up in montana” She told me, as she helped my scrawny arms get it onto the table. I could’ve made an emo smile, so extatic had I been. At 12, i had developed certain obsessions. Sapphires were one of them. As my birthstone, and posessing that lovely blue color, i’d become highly enoamoured with em. We got magnifying glasses, seives from my grandma’s cuboards, (some of which were never to recover) and began to sift.  After about an hour, we had found... Nothing. Just a couple of good looking peices of gravel.
“Are we ever gonna find any?” I whined. Woopty doo for the effects of ADD everybody. “You gotta be patient, kiddo.” She’d replied, smiling that knowing smile of hers.
“There’s not many... but they’re there..” She looked at me for a little bit, eyes a bit cloudy.”So, carlos, whattya want to be?” The question was a bit out of left field... but then again, at the time, i had been the king of left field, pitching conversations topics that came so far out of the left they’d gone RIGHT.  
“Ummm... Ah dunno” I replied, trying to gnaw some gravel that had gotten out under my fingernail. I failed. “Didnt you wanna be a marine biologist?” she asked me. “That’s all you used to ever talk about.” “....Mmm... Not any more.” “Well what’s your newest calling” I rubbed the back of my head. “I kinda wanna write.” I said. “You know, like, stories! Dad says that i’m off in la la land though...” “Yeah well your father wants you to be able to suppourt yourself” She looked at a bluish rock. “Darn. Thought I had one.” She flicked back to serious mode. “But i’ve written a little myself. I know some authors too. And you know what they told me?” “What?” I asked.
“Never give it up.” She said. “You gotta write and write and write. Your fingers might drop off, but even then, have someone type the stories for you. You’ll get there.” “...You think so?” “Kiddo, it’s like anything you do” She replied, picking up a small, transparent blue stone. “You keep at it long enough... and you’ll eventually find that gem of an idea.”

I havent stopped writing, either. I’ve typed over a million words, i’d guess, easy. Problem being, i just keep restarting... but eventually, i’ll find it. That perfect story. That one blazing star among all the others. That little Gem of an Idea.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

a discussion on dream drive.

We walk around the mindspace, talking absently, me and my daemon, as I bring up the subject.
"Important Family Conversations, eh?" Says Onibi, her paws padding quietly along beside me, voice a feline purr. "Well there was that one with your dad..."
"That's a kind of a vauge way to put it. Which one?"
"The one about college coming up?"
"Again too vauge. Besides, they all kinda blur together at this point."
"Gotcha, no dad speeches. Mmm, how about your grandpa's?"
"Again, a bit of a tough choice.... though I suppouse, again, I have a large selection of matierial to work from"
"Exactly. How about that time he talked with you about family?"
"Sounds like a good one...but then again, mark's got a good one too."
"Yeah, except... they were never really conversations. They were always lectur- why are you grinning like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like a parent who just got his kid to jump the grand canyon?"
"Well think about it... you said you havent had a conversation really yet."
"... so you think i should write about one i'm going to have?"
"B-I-N-G-O, buddy. Specifically, the one that needs to happen with your dad. About... well...
"Everything." The big cat nods. "Precisely"
"Sounds to me like that'd turn into a list of greivances,"
"True... hmm, how about this then? Take all these peices of conversations you remember... about one particular subject.... and string them together? sound like a plan?"
"I suppouse..."
"Good. Now if you dont mind, There's a couple a juicy dream-hares bouncing around in here, and i'm feeling rather rumbly in the tumbly"

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Creative Me

1. If there were a movie made of my life, I would think the big scene would be the moment I settled on the black cat story. It's been my more persistent work, and it'd be a nice visual image to show that all unfolding around me, perhaps in CG.

2. My actor would most likely be...well if you could find whoever plays neville for me that'd be pretty cool.

3. Stray-out.

4. If i were an animal, I'd be either a whale, because the abillity to swim that far and long... not to mention the pod mates... I'd like that. Or i'd be a spider, because of their inborn abillity to create. That's just pretty freaking awesome, dont you think?

5.If I were forced to perform in a talent show, my talent would probably be my fencing skills. Which are shoddy, I'll admit, but eh, it's what I got.

6. If I had to make myself a pseudonym it would probably be Barum B. Felix.

7. The song currently stuck in my head would probably be daft punk's De-Rezzed. Every so often it's interrupted by the theme of king kazma, however.

8. If a modern abstract artist painted me she would probably symbolize me as a really disheveled desk and bookcase.

9. If I could have dinner with a fictional character or famous person, I'd probably have it with Simon, from TTGL, because he seems like an easygoing guy... and I like his philospy of "nothing is impossible, so long as you have guts."

10. If my favorite childhood toy came to life and started talking about me, they'd be my legos, and they'd probably be complaining to oprah about how disheveled I'd always leave them... and how much I blew them up... I'd probably get arrested for abuse actually.