Thursday, April 28, 2011

Poems. Take em or leave em.

A blazing heart
burning so quietly
this can change everything.
Blazing are the hearts
burning so quietly
these change everything.

Have you heard of the fiend king?
He once gave a maiden a ring.
then in the night,
he came like a blight
and now she is queen to his king!
SD:-edit to the last line-: Now shall the fiend queen sing!
Free Verse:

Kinda confusing, this whole "life" shtick.
Running around like doctors from Daleks....
Brians on a caffine over-drive
While we look for the question to 42
all these folks go stormtrooping around....
Hakuna Matata Dudes.
Take a chill, settle down, at the cantina.
I mean frak, grab a butterbeer.
You can haz cheezeburger.

Kinda confusing, this whole "life" shtick.
Running around like doctors from Daleks....
Brians on a caffine over-drive
While we look for the question to 42
all these folks go stormtrooping around....
Hakuna Matata Dudes.
Take a chill, settle down, at the cantina.
I mean frak, grab a butterbeer.
You can haz cheezeburger.
Life's not just a big ol cannonball run
it's about the lulz, too, you gotta "hahahaha!"
or muahahahaha! if you so prefer.
Find your nakama. find your fortress of solitude
Let the good vibes roll dood.

Petrarchan Sonnet:
When did all go black?
Did threads of hope fray
Did fear and worry murk our way.
When did the mirror crack?

All the paths seem black
the walls broke and demons bray
and with the devil our leaders lay
and friends stab our back.

But no, the stars yet shine.
There is yet a light
in a world sick with blight.
But not in the aerial brine.
No, it comes from the heart.
from those whose hearts shall never part.

When were dreams  turned withered and black?
When was our hope cast in the fire to burn?
When did storm of misery begin to churn?
When in the mirror, did our resolve crack?

For all the paths seem to murk and crack
While the cogs of the devil still turn,
And the deadly fiends spit on courage’s urn
And all our heroes lay with knives in back.

But no, there is one star that yet shines.
One that forever, will burn and fight,
That in the hearts of man shall make light.
And lead all those through darkest times
It is the ties between the hear, yours, mine.
For ours are those whose hearts never shall part.



So what the hell is up with this thing called love?
Our hearts all looped up and smacked about
Untill we wonder what it's for.
Love, I mean.
Maybe we'd be lessed stressed with out it
All things considered though....
There's a good reason for it.
Earth'd be a lot less beautifull for it.
Simple and True.

So what the hell is thing thing called love?
Our hearts all blugeoned and beaten.
Until we wonder what it's for
Love, I mean.
Maybe be less stressed without it.
All things considered....
There's a reason.
Earth'd be hell without it.
Simple Truth

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