Tuesday, April 5, 2011

An Intentional Detour.

It seemed like a normal friday. Mostly. Spring was coming, snow was melting. Not out of the ordinary. The There were more cars in the parking lot of the sheraton than normal. That was a bit out of the ordinary. Then the man in a full suit of plate metal armor walked out of the dairy queen, just as he passed it.. That was just plain WEIRD. Of course, weird, in this case, was EXTREMELY relative. because, at the moment, the Edina Sheraton had pretty much become a weird-ness singularity. It was Anime Detour. Not the biggest con, sure, but one of the craziest, attracting people from all across the midwest. Including him, a small, slightly plump, zombie, dressed in a gray hoodie and sweatpants, ductaped around the wrists and ankles. A Hunter, from left 4 dead. Also known as Carl. As he lumbered into the door, a stromtrooper asked for his card, waving him through after munching on poptart. He entered into the air, thick with the smell of people... and found insanity. Glorious insanity... characters from everything, anime, movies, books, everything, packed into one space. Pretty dammned. Cool. Only one problem.

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