Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Creative Me

1. If there were a movie made of my life, I would think the big scene would be the moment I settled on the black cat story. It's been my more persistent work, and it'd be a nice visual image to show that all unfolding around me, perhaps in CG.

2. My actor would most likely be...well if you could find whoever plays neville for me that'd be pretty cool.

3. Stray-out.

4. If i were an animal, I'd be either a whale, because the abillity to swim that far and long... not to mention the pod mates... I'd like that. Or i'd be a spider, because of their inborn abillity to create. That's just pretty freaking awesome, dont you think?

5.If I were forced to perform in a talent show, my talent would probably be my fencing skills. Which are shoddy, I'll admit, but eh, it's what I got.

6. If I had to make myself a pseudonym it would probably be Barum B. Felix.

7. The song currently stuck in my head would probably be daft punk's De-Rezzed. Every so often it's interrupted by the theme of king kazma, however.

8. If a modern abstract artist painted me she would probably symbolize me as a really disheveled desk and bookcase.

9. If I could have dinner with a fictional character or famous person, I'd probably have it with Simon, from TTGL, because he seems like an easygoing guy... and I like his philospy of "nothing is impossible, so long as you have guts."

10. If my favorite childhood toy came to life and started talking about me, they'd be my legos, and they'd probably be complaining to oprah about how disheveled I'd always leave them... and how much I blew them up... I'd probably get arrested for abuse actually.

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