Wednesday, February 9, 2011

a discussion on dream drive.

We walk around the mindspace, talking absently, me and my daemon, as I bring up the subject.
"Important Family Conversations, eh?" Says Onibi, her paws padding quietly along beside me, voice a feline purr. "Well there was that one with your dad..."
"That's a kind of a vauge way to put it. Which one?"
"The one about college coming up?"
"Again too vauge. Besides, they all kinda blur together at this point."
"Gotcha, no dad speeches. Mmm, how about your grandpa's?"
"Again, a bit of a tough choice.... though I suppouse, again, I have a large selection of matierial to work from"
"Exactly. How about that time he talked with you about family?"
"Sounds like a good one...but then again, mark's got a good one too."
"Yeah, except... they were never really conversations. They were always lectur- why are you grinning like that?"
"Like what?"
"Like a parent who just got his kid to jump the grand canyon?"
"Well think about it... you said you havent had a conversation really yet."
"... so you think i should write about one i'm going to have?"
"B-I-N-G-O, buddy. Specifically, the one that needs to happen with your dad. About... well...
"Everything." The big cat nods. "Precisely"
"Sounds to me like that'd turn into a list of greivances,"
"True... hmm, how about this then? Take all these peices of conversations you remember... about one particular subject.... and string them together? sound like a plan?"
"I suppouse..."
"Good. Now if you dont mind, There's a couple a juicy dream-hares bouncing around in here, and i'm feeling rather rumbly in the tumbly"

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