Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Accidental Lessons

1. Be cautious about what you eat, and how to speak with your patron saint.
2. Sometimes things just arent meant to be.
3. When you feel like crap, best to stay close to home.
4. . Always keep your valuables on you
5. Always be prepared, even if you dont know for what. And keep a healthy ammo surplus
6. Just because you CAN do it, doesnt mean you should.
7. Keep your mind on what you're doing. Also, rain sucks.
8. Always be kind to strangers. it pays off.
9. Reading pays off, even if it's fiction.
10. You'll get results if you work hard enough.

A. Went to bathroom for five minutes. Came back, Cellphone and DS were both gone
B. Playing Fallout three, went searching around a church. Ended up ground meat due to supermutant infestation.
C. Tried jump off a swing and acheive flight. Ended up with 4 stitches in the chin.
D. Dated a girl for a couple months, found out tastes conflicted, stopped dating.
E. The innumerable times where i've been saved on a test by my nerdly knowledge.
F. Didnt finish a summer project, by shoring it up with dirt. Next day, there was a sand pile in the street.
G. Got appendicitis, endured horrible pain for 3 days.
H. Ate the brownies at the back of the fridge.
I. Held a door for a man. Got Ten Bucks.
J. Became leader of anime club.

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