Thursday, February 24, 2011

Character Sketch Post #1 Myself.

Who better to describe you than yourself, right?

The moment I stepped up there, my voice faltered, and I found the speech I had prepared in my head suddenly infested with "uhhhms" and stutters. Annoying things. I could look at anyone. My eyes refused to go away from the small, cardboard box in my pocket. "It's k-kinda personal." I told them. "See, a-about a year ago... I w-was dating this girl" I grimaced. That could have ended better. "It was more a relationship of convienience than anything..." I felt my cheeks flush, going a brighter red than even their usual luminous red glow."We split up... the relation s-ship went umm.... stale." That was the only way I had to put it. "We couldnt talk about anything... so it just sorta... ended... and  then one d-" I gulped, my thumb rubbing a hole out of that small box.  I feel my cheeks turn it up to eleven. Goddamnit, can't I do anything without my bloody cheeks brodcasting it like bloody radar dishes. "day- there's this girl I t-talk to. A lot.-" it comes out of my mouth in tumbling rush. "-On everything. So one day she asks me... do I like her? like do i LIKE like her." ... screw eleven, the cheeks manage 12. "... and uhm... i said....well I said yes. I realized I really her. " Lucky number thirteeen was my cheek's final stop. . "... so I got her these... earrings. and a couple other things... and uhm... i'm sending em to her... this weekend.......I like her. A lot. and uhm.. that's my show and tell." I moved to sit down.. only to find myself being... applauded? They were applauding me! I hid my head inside my hat, hoping to contain the radiation my cheeks must've been throwing off. I couldnt have deserved applause for that awkward, pause filled mess of a speech... could I?

1 comment:

  1. I thought you were very courageous by giving a speech about that. I know I could not have and I wanted to let you know that it took a lot of bravery to do it so great job
