Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Osama Dead. Damn

Well, he's down, folks. That's right tthe big bad boogeyman of the middle east is a dead as a doornail and not coming back. Wow, did that take a while. I can still remember sitting in school, then being ushered out, being herded onto buses by somewhat frantic teachers. I hadnt had the foggiesy what it was about. Then i saw the television, when i'd got home. i wasnt scared. I wasnt angry. Just straight out confused. I mean, why would someone do that. Tell people to crash planes and kill themselves. It didnt make any sense to me. At all. And i was angry, once i was old enough to understand... but still, that was only out of same vauge sense of "WTF was that for?"
And now... Well quite frankly, him being dead might be a trememnedous mixed bag. Because on the one hand, we have this newfound sense of "&*%$ YEAH, WE GOT YOU MUDDA FUGGA" and doubtless, this will have an effect on our economy. Not to mention the overall morale of our contry has probably received a great boost, and the fact that obama got him... as someone who'se been raised in a disillusioned-republican-turned-democrat's household, that's icing on this funeral cake.
But the thing is.. it feels wierd. Celebrating the fact that we killed a guy. I mean really.. isnt someone mourning? ... nevermind the mourners will make themselves known. probably violently. And the thing is, osama would never view himself as evil. No man ever does.... of course he showed no remorse about these deaths. not that i've heard of... hope he cried himself to sleep at night. if  he didnt. maybe he deserved what he got. I dunno. I mean you might say he had a family... but even they disowned the guy.
He was, in his actions, a truly horrible person, and he wronged many many people. But you still cant really find in yourself to call it worthy of all the celebration it's receiving. It does seem truly quite disproportionate, the amount of celebration he's getting.. but it is symbolic, and people respond well to symbolism. Maybe it does symbolize the end of an era for terrorism.. we have to hope that is so, cause otherwise, things might be getting kind of messy rather soon. Dont undersestimate bigots with guns, and a grudge. and excess C4. they're not going to be sitting on their laurels. But they're going to have to work damn hard to top 9-11. And american morale. He's been a bogeyman for so long that a lot a people may of forgotten he was human..... well we shall see how this goes, no? anyways, i'm sick as a zombie, so bug off. =n=;; *dies*