Friday, March 11, 2011

The copy room

Sometimes you find little nuggets of gold, when you're not even looking for them. Take for instance, the "new" copy room! a huge, concrete  room, with whitewashed walls, and a friendly "welcome!" sign, on the front door. Inside, it was like a office supplier's wet dreams. Stacks and stacks of paper, just waiting within their packages for someone to come along and take them to their new homes in printers all across the school, and the sound of whirring machinery ricocheted merrily off the cold walls. Unfortunately for us, we were shooed from this little wonderland by a somewhat grumpy female troll. =n=

Music YO.

Just rock it out.
Lets's  dance to joy division by the wombats.

Let's dance to joy division,
And celebrate the irony,
Everything is going wrong,
But we're so happy,
Let's dance to joy division,
And raise our glass to the ceiling,
'Cos this could all go so wrong,
But we're so happy,
Yeah we're so happy.

Association #1: I've found many times in my life where frankly... the world seems to be going to hell in a handbasket. Where life seems to be just one bigass pain, and is frankly, too much of a bother to really deal with. You know the times. The ones where your limbs feel like lead porkchops stuck to your arms. I know that I, for one, have dealt with this sort of thing far FAR too many times. Indeed to the point where you want to throw in the towel. This song, for me reminds me that Oh, yeah, there's a metric TON of other people out there who feel the same way, and you know what? That's the way the world is. So i might as well buckle down and try to enjoy it right? My uncle was the one that played it for me. He's always been somewhat of a role-model for me, sometimes even more so than my own father...but he told me that "Life is gonna kick you in the face a lot more than you'd like. Might as well grin while it's happening." It's a good philosiphy, i've found. Especially for when times seem to royally suck.

Association #2: Two despite my sometimes hatefull dislike of my dasd, this song reminds me of some of the funner road trips i've had with him, as this was the mix-tape we would play on the way to so many places. I can still remember rocking out on an old desolate montana road.... it was like peice of rock Nirvana, come to heaven and rested in our car.